The Importance of Self Care

Say Whaaaa? I don’t have time, it’s too expensive! I have a full schedule as is. I know, I know for some of you it might seem an impossible feat, or perhaps some of you might see it as an expensive day tour to te spa, an expensive massage pedi-mani, anyone? Well, it can be that or as simple as taking a time for breathing and meditating. A shower,some me time, doing your favorite activities for even five minutes or enjoying in mindfulness an everyday thing you do. It’s for you to decide! The important issue here is that this is a time that you will dedicate for yourself to recognize and celebrate the magic of being you.

#FancyFridays Creative Techniques to help You SoaR!


Catchy title, huh? Well, in this total make-over month, I wanted to re-vamp my practice, to better serve and help you. Part of this business re-vamp has been focused on defining new and unique ways to help you SOAR! This IS personal growth redefined.

The focus of our creative technique of this first #FancyFriday is self-care as an every day tool to boost self-empowerment and self-love. You might say… oh, I have that covered! Do you? Perhaps you run all day long, and even your exercise and self-care routine are embedded into your schedule and you do them every day. Like shave on the run, apply make-up on the run and storm out of your house…

Well, I’ve got news for you, that doesn’t sound much as a self-care technique. Think of self-care as a day at a spa… YES at a SPA. Are you running while you’re there? What is the sound in your surroundings, the smells, the textures and even the liquids you’re drinking? Our invitation for you today is to practice a Spa-like environment via mindfulness every day for at least 20 minutes.  I know, I know you’re thinking 20 minutes?! Installing that kind of environment ALONE will take me 20 minutes or more! And that’s the trick, mindfulness can get you in that spa mood in seconds.

What you will need, is some meditation music and/or silence, your favorite scented oil, if you prefer or are a beginner in meditation or mindfulness, a candle and 2 – 5 minutes. Mindfulness is about appreciating the here and now with no other focus. The tools described in the previous lines are meant to help you. Once you’re an expert, you can have your instant spa without those… Have your favorite scented oil handy, place a few drops on your hands and rub them. Now open your hands in front of  your nose and inhale deeply 3 times… If you have any thoughts say hi thought, and let them go. Turn on the meditation music, and light the candle… look at the flame of the candle as you focus on your breathing.  You can do this for 2 minutes 10 times per day, 5 minutes four times per day, or 10 minutes twice per day… Whichever you pick, it’s the trick to practice winding down into being in the here and now, often, enjoying life.

I hope you enjoy the benefits of being mindful which will boost your peace, focus, and power o intention.



The Magic Vision Wheel Carnival!!!

How would you like to make your dreams come true?

 The Magic Vision Wheel Carnival


Come, have fun while you make your dreams come true!

In this 4 coaching sessions work-shop you will:

  • Build a powerful vision board based on a Wellness Wheel of Life.
  • Create powerful whys for the most important areas of your life, all guided by ONE powerful why.
  • Have an image-based Wheel of Life, so you have a powerful inspiring tool.
  • Have a yearly, monthly and weekly goal plan.
  • And know my blessings and tasks come in threes tool.

         Have a blast while you make your dreams come true!

We will be working with:

  • Law of attraction.
  •  Tools.
  •  Imagination.
  •  And FUN!

These four sessions are my birthday present to the world SO… the four sessions are only

         $75 USD (The usual investment is $750 USD).

         Hurry, there’s limited availability!

The sessions on promotion will start ONLY on the week of August 7 – August 14. Book TODAY!


>>> Magic Vison Wheel Carnival PROMO

We’ll send you payment information, materials you will need and a confirmation to your e-mail, once you book you session!

See you soon!



Angelica is a Certified Life Coach and Gestalt Therapist with 10+ experience in Counseling and 15+ experience in Results-Based Coaching. This program has proven techniques to help you balance your life and succeed from the calm within!





Strong from Within Fitness!!!


Welcome back! I am posting today with something that has been haunting me for weeks. We are all about balance, true; and about real foods, fair enough. And what about fitness? Well, we are all about what we will call in this series, real fitness too!

What does that mean? Well, that means we are traditional when it comes to building strength and we recommend and prefer fitness exercises that build strong muscles and bones from within.

Our stars are:

  1. Martial Arts
  2. Yoga
  3. Body weight exercise
  4. Dancing – Ballet, Jazz, Yoga, Zumba, Barre

Yes, I know I am leaving out a lot of popular fitness trends and techniques. However, we quote these four as our favorites, because they build strength from within. Martial Arts, such as Kung Fu, and Yoga are number one and two due to their specific mix of mindfulness, breathing, flexibility, and strength building.

Body weight exercise and Dancing made the list because of their focus on building strength from within, through repetitive movements and routines. Dancing will typically involve flexibility training while you need to add some stretch routine for Body weight.

You could make any HIIT or Tabata HITT or leave them as is. Any of these are great cardio and will get you strong from within!

Happy soaring!


New Image, Bigger Goals

On our Keto and Healing journey we found out that we wouldn’t have gotten anywhere without making each other accountable. Unshakeable Balance icame from our journey through having a business, fitness, family and building strength through and through. We discovered our program was more about a lifestye than only a diet. Visit our pages, Participate on our raffle event. We’re here to help you soar from within!

We are confident our tools and strategies will forever change your life so you can thrive in balance, through a strong body and a strong core, we are here to help you soar!

Here are some links you can try:

==>> Win 4 Weeks Of Unshakeable Balance Life Coaching!

==>> AF Infinity FB Page

==>> Unshakeable Balance FB Group


Happy soaring!


Extinguish Burnout by Doing these Three Things!!!

  1. Breathe – You’re perhaps thinking, I do that every day. And I’m sure you do! The trick is doing it in a mindful way. And here’s my favorite way to do so. It will work if you’re a beginner or an advanced yoga or meditative practitioner. Aternate Nostril Breathing  –  Close your right nostril with your right thumb inhale   27 in left, deeply through your left nostril. Close your left nostril with your right ring finger exhale 27 out right, inhale from that very same nostril – 26 in right, cover it and then exhale from your left nostril – 26 out left, inhlae from that nostril -25 in left … keep on repeating the procedure and count down from 27 down. I typically get to 16 and feel a lot more calm.
  2. Move – may it be 2 minutes, 5 or 10, but move! A great tip is to dance in your place, walk, still running, etc… If you’re at your office, get a standing desk or (if you get the chance) walk while on the phone. Should that not be an option, walk 10-20 minutes after lunch at a brisk pace, the movement and oxygen will clear and calm your mind.
  3. Avoid simple carbs (sugars and white pastas),processed and pre-packaged foods (sweet rolls, breads, chips and sodas …) and alcohol. All these will spike the sugar levels in your blood.,your body produces more cortisol and your body, then, stresses from within too!

And remember, “The cyclone derives its powers from a calm center, so does a person.” Norman Vincent Peale.


Happy Friday!


#UnshakeableBalance #Balance2Soar #HealNGrow

FB AF Infinity

Join our Public Group Unshakeable Balance

One Word, and You Can See the World!!

On our One.By.One series, today it’s the Power of Words day. So as the tecnhique would call… work with ONE word and today we will work with NO.

No is a monosyllabus said in a flat tone, without shouting or violence, with no explanations or excuses. Use NO to set clear boundaries, say NO to toxic foods, people and emotions. No is a word that allows for balance and gowth, it allows you to soar to your possibilities and manage your time wisely.

One of the most powerful keys to eliminate emotional stress is that, establishing healthy boundaries.

And it is also one of the daily activities for emotional fitness!

Welcome to our world! 

AF Infinity, #RISEnRAWR

Live2Soar #HealNGrow 

One Push-up Is All It Takes…


I’ve been preparing and modifying my page to make it about you!

You might be wondering… is THIS even true? And the answer is Yes, and No… First let me clear that no… NO, a singlel push-up, plank or any other exercise will not make you fit. Unless, unless that is what you start with first thing in the morning and stack up on it. The principle behind this idea is that to change your life and your body; and ultimately to achieve every and any goal in your life you need to start small and keep on moving forward. You might have heard about this as Baby Steps, stacking mini-habits, and so on… I will call it the One Push-Up principle. And here’s your strategy: Day 1: ONE Push-up, 10 second plank (or half a plank). This will get you moving. If on day 1 you want to do more, please go ahead. Just fair warning DO NOT over-do it! The idea is that you enjoy your workout, diet and therefore are willing and able to do more and to keep to it.

Here are two strategies:

The 3 plank work-out. 3 planks, 10 timed seconds each. One front plank, and one to each side. If you don’t have the strength to hold them, yet, do each with your knees and forearms to the floor. Stack up 10 seconds every three days and as you move forward and get stronger get further from the floor, first try holdin your weight with your palm, then take turns and put your legs up while your forerarms are brining you full support

The 3 exercise strategy. Exercise 1 – 10 squats, back straight, Exercise 2 – 10 push-ups, on your knees if you’re a beginner, full if you’re not a beginner, Exercise 3 – 10 V-up crunches. Raise them on 5 every week, and add a new exercise.



Remember to like our FB fan page ==>> AF Infinity

Join our Support Group at: ==>> Unshakeable Balance


Every Diet Starts on Monday!

How are you doing?

Sitll  battling with losing weight and all the  diet products?
We can help! We have a diet program that rocks and that will keep you full. That’s right, full as in NOT feeling hungry.

Even better? It will keep you healthier and full of energy. No chemicals added! So here’s our free Sample Menu. Enjoy!

Have a great week!

Happy soaring!
